It has been awhile since I have made a post, getting ready for Christmas was more hectic than normal. We had a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of family and friends. We started out in Waterloo the weekend before Christmas. We had so much fun with everyone and got very spoiled. Drew had so much fun playing with all of his cousins and Mark and I got a break. On Sunday we met my Mom in Iowa City and she took Drew and I back to Peoria so we could spend a little extra time. Mark met us on Christmas Eve. Peoria was filled with a lot of traveling to see friends and family. The weather made each leg of the trip longer, but we finally made it home safe the following Friday. We have spent the weekend getting all of Drew's toys unpacked and put together. He has been having a great time. We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that the New Year is full of many blessings.
Such a big boy taking over Daddy's Chair.
Just eating my snack on my new slide.
Making my 1st basket! I'm a natural.
It only took a couple times for Mark to show him how to climb up and slide down, but he already has the hang of it.
Drew loves his new sleeping bag. He was lounging around Friday night in front of the TV with the remote.
This gift was so big, Drew had to get on top to open it.
Drew's 1st Four Wheeler
Drew was trying to help Ella with her laptop. I'm not sure she appreciated his help. I think Drew was good practice for her since she will be expecting a new brother or sister tomorrow. She was a great help making sure Drew was not doing something wrong.

Drew and his cousins.

This was the 1st present Drew opened. He got the hang of it after awhile and was opening everyones gifts. He got sick of opening them by Christmas morning.
This was the 1st present Drew opened. He got the hang of it after awhile and was opening everyones gifts. He got sick of opening them by Christmas morning.